If this is your first edit, you should right click the file and click Open with. In this case, it would be in your CLIENT > c3 > effect > 2ndMetampsychosis. How about.the simplest edit in the client, the 2nd Rb Vigor?ġ) Find the file you want to edit. Ok, now that we have everything, I will show you how to make a simple edit.
Now make sure you installed everything (except the Extractor if you downloaded it, it runs without installation, just read the instructions located in the. It is not necessary but HIGHLY RECOMMENDED just so you know what you want to edit and which file to edit. Later, I will find the IDs of the large male, small female, and large female garments. Only problem is that the Garments are only for small males at the moment. It tells you just about everything you need to know. It opens up doors to many different textures and effects in your client.Īnother side note, the c3 Effect and Texture Names is merely a list of the Armors, Garments, and Effects in the c3 folder. It just extracts all of the files that TQ has hidden in your client. Now just a side note, the WDF Extractor is not necessary to make edits. dds Thumbnail Viewer ~ WDF Extractor ~ WDF I guess if you are reading this you want to learn how to make your own edits!įirst of all, you will need a few things to get started:Īdobe Photoshop Cs2/Cs3/Cs4 ~. I don't know if this is the right section or not, but whatever, sorry.